

英漢字典: run to

1. afford;have sufficient money,ability,etc. for買得起;有足夠的錢、能力等做某事

    On my salary I can't run to a colour television. 靠工資我買不起彩電。

    I'm afraid we can't run to a holiday abroad this year. 恐怕今年我們沒錢出國度假了。

    The chapel needs redecorating,but funds won't run to it. 教堂需要重新裝飾一番,但資金不足。

2. amount to;extend to總額達到;伸展到

    The book runs to 300 pages. 該書多達300頁。

    The casualties ran to more than a hundred thousand. 傷亡人數達10萬以上。

3. tend to傾向于

    She naturally runs to fat. 她天生會發胖。

    I was annoyed that I had let myself run to fat, so I made efforts to lose weight. 真煩人,我長得太胖了,所以我努力減肥。

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